Headquartered in Long Beach, we currently serve Los Angeles County and Orange County, CA! Jason grew up on the east coast, just outside Washington, D.C. In the mid-nineties, he discovered his natural talent with computers, and attended several vocational classes at the local community college. He was soon providing technical support services to his friends and family, and quickly began to lend his talents to larger institutions, including an Internet Service Provider, and Montgomery County Public Schools. In 2001, Jason was recruited for a full-time position as a technical analyst for the Federal Government. After nearly two and a half years of service, he followed his family to Southern California, and began to expand his own technical services company once again. In recent history, we have taken a more focused approach to technology, encouraging software restoration, rather than hardware replacement. Many computers are disposed of before the end of their useful life, due to nothing more than software problems. We replace and update your existing software, and when necessary, perform minimal hardware upgrades that can often make your current computer perform better than a brand new replacement. The result is substantial cost saving for the client, and the diversion of your existing hardware and its dangerous components from their gruesome fate in landfills around the world. Through our sister company, New Again PC, we reuse any component that we can, and recycle those that we cannot. (Learn more)
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newagainpc.org, moschetto.org